
A summary of my Fantastic Arcade week

This week I had the amazing opportunity to attend Fantastic Arcade. Two of my games where there this time. It continues to stay my favorite game event. For one, there is more booze there than your liver knows what to do with, and the people are so beautiful. I loved being able to meet the people behind some of my favorite games… like dog opera (oik os), Proteus, or Off-Peak… even the Kingdom of Loathing folks! As you can expect, I had plenty of “omg play it cool” moments. :) It’s pretty overwhelming, but I guess I feel like that...

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New Game! F2OGGY (Only One Survives!)

I’ve been working on this game for some months now. It was being worked on discreetly because it is among the latest games being incubated by Austin’s game collective: JUEGOS RANCHEROS. Download it here! The game is F2OGGY (Only One Survives!). A spiritual successor to FROGGY (It’s Hungry), this time you play one of two frogs in a battle to the death, floating on a tiny rock of land, in a sea of lava (because this is all the land that is left after humanity destroyed Earth). Yes, it may be grim, but it’s also fun (I sincerely hope). F2OGGY...

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update & a Fireside article…

Again… It has been a while since I updated this thing. Which I think is good. I am one of those people to busy for petty things like food, or sleep, or life, or whatever :D To start my update with something more sobering… I just wrote a Fireside article (GameJolt’s blog) about my experiences in tech. The article: “So, how is it like being a woman in tech?” I describe some experiences and basically the road up to now. Writing this has been difficult but cathartic. A good challenge to shed positive light and conclusions on a very difficult...

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Couple of my Game Jam games lately (small update)…

I’ve been kind of busy post-launch to get my head back in order. Whenever I release something “big” I have a disoriented and small depression phase. I wonder why tho, but I’m sure others get it too. This sort of thing can be all consuming and when it’s done you’re sort of left with the “what am I doing now with my life” empty feeling. I say this somewhat jokingly. I think it’s pretty normal. :) So, best medicine is game jams! Yay! I recently participated in a couple. The first one was Digital Dumpster (as of writing this it...

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ARMAGAD (also Tetrageddon Games) out now on GameJolt’s new Marketplace!!

HELLO WORLD WIDE WEB,GO PLAY MY GAMEARMAGAD (also Tetrageddon Games): — Nathalie Lawhead (@alienmelon) May 11, 2016 Ok, that’s a long title. I need to work on those. You can download it here: It’s pay what you want for the first week or so (you can get it free if you like). After that it’s going to be $6.66. It’s a suitable number for this game. I’ll probably have to change things on the website because this version is A LOT better, and I don’t want things to be free forever. I want to make money from this...

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Tetrageddon Games (for the desktop): Development Update

So latest news with “Tetrageddon Games for the desktop” (better title pending) developments have been pretty exciting! Since I’ve finished getting “all the games to work, and run perfectly, in the same ‘container/browser’” part I’ve actually been able to focus on creating new content. New exciting areas that are like being electrocuted with bright colors! Yeah! In itself, with just the games, I feel like it was still to lacking. I’m very proud of the visual presentation (random transitions, random backgrounds, etc…) but the games still where not enough in themselves. I wanted to originally do a lot with the...

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Post GDC Writeup

Seems like I just fell off the airplane and hit the ground running with crunch. Amazing news is that I’m giving myself < blinktag > one < /blinktag > month to finish this “Desktop version of Tetrageddon Games”. I really need a better name for that, it doesn’t do the project justice. :) I have a couple more features/areas to put in before I feel like it’s good enough. I’m very excited about this because… there! I have it! A solid, honest to god deadline… Although more time would be nice, but that’s a trap I will not fall into!...

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Screenshake 2016, GDC, & other news

So here is an update! I was recently invited to give a talk at Screenshake. This is an event in Belgium. They held their first ever Belgium Game Awards, and it was such a privilege to be part of this. The people there are pretty amazing, and fun. I had no idea Belgium had so many talented game creators. The award show itself was probably the sweetest award show I’ve ever attended. Lots of friends/friendly people, very personable crowd… I loved it. Oasis was one of my favorite games. You should look it up. I thought the game exhibition space...

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Tutorial: Making a Frog Generator with Adobe Animate (HTML5 & CreateJS)

You can VIEW the end result here: You can DOWNLOAD the sourcefiles here: This tutorial will walk you through using Animate to make a procedural frog generator. It will cover all the basics of using the HTML5 Canvas output, as well as timeline scripting for the functionality. For those that are interested I also have a tutorial for making a game with CreateJS + the canvas in Flash/Animate here. It’s a bit older, and some of the issues (and resulting workarounds) I mention there no longer apply. Although the tutorial itself is still fairly relevant. It’s also interesting...

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Taking A Break: A Retrospective

I was going to title this post Not Giving A Fuck: A Retrospective, but that’s not quite accurate. As it turns out, it’s hard not to care. This post is also very personal, and I feel like it’s important to finally write. Not too recently I announced on Twitter that I was going on hiatus. I found out that hiatus isn’t really working out since, like I said, it’s impossible for me to not care. I did this because of an accumulation of shit and burnout that just led to me totally collapsing and feeling like “I can’t take this...

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Just going to leave this here…

With the recent renaming of the platform I feel inclined to say something, although I’m quite enjoying my “I don’t give a fuck” vacation. Feels great. I want to stay in “I don’t give a fuck” forever, but that’s not realistic. Thankfully the most excellent Joseph Labrecque wrote a post about it. It says everything. It’s also refreshingly educated, in contrast to tech “journalists” who’ve consistently spewed click-bait lies out of their ass. I’m surprised only a few major news outlets have jumped on this. I thought headlines screaming “Adobe FINALLY killing Flash!” would be all over the web by...

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“But It’s Not REAL!” (alternative title: i want my free premium content, and to complain about it too)

My grandfather had a lot of respect for what I did (art on computers), but he had a hard time understanding the value in it at first. I spend forever making something, but what is made on computers has no “real world value”, because it isn’t tangible. This is a mentality not foreign to a lot of “old people”. I remember a student telling me about how his dad had trouble understanding how he can earn any good (or respectable) living making art on computers. The mentality is because it’s NOT real, it has no real worth. Digital art is...

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The (New) Tetrageddon Games “Art Direction” Commentary: Everything Looks Better Low-Fi!

I rarely ever do “art posts” where I explain the thought process behind the look of the game, so I thought it’s about time that I do something. A lot of planning goes into it, and I’m certain others will find the general philosophy interesting. This is about the new “desktop” version of Tetrageddon Games I’m making. It’s coming to Steam. Small video about the project: So… The new experience has a lot of new art, and animated transitions. Think of it as a very large, “interactive animation” with games here and there. The art is largely vector art. This...

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Artist’s Commentary on Anatomically Incorrect Dinosaurs (and the trailer)

So this is the part, after working super long and hard on a project, where I’m generally disoriented… but all-together extra positive. Probably more air-headed than usual. People say I’m air-headed, but I think it’s more so after launch… You know, gamedevs need to also document how it’s like after finishing a project so people know what type of confused person to expect. Since May (official start of making the game) I’ve been working game-jam mode. I still need to finish the Tetrageddon Games version for Steam. NO! I have not forgotten! Ok, I’m here to put-to-rest the final bits...

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Anatomically Incorrect Dinosaurs – Out Now! & Notes About this Game…

Anatomically Incorrect Dinosaurs was released last night. I wrote that line with a big sigh of relief. It’s also a featured game on GameJolt today! I was so happy, jumped for joy! :) Update! It just made an appearance on Offworld! Play it now: Anatomically Incorrect Dinosaurs Leigh Alexander said you’re (basically) dead to her if you don’t play it. It’s even tagged as that. People, this is serious! I think this little “detour” turned into a pretty big deal… Like an actual “game”, although you may not call it that, but who cares anymore what a game is or...

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Electric Love Potato – Let’s Play’s

Recently someone on GameJolt made this youtube video of the Electric Love Potato. There have been a few now, but I laughed so much I feel inclined to make a blog post of it. A POTATO IS FLIRTING WITH ME!? Electric Love Potato | Potato Dating Simulator by Mickell Pickell (I also like the title. Potato Dating Simulator is a great idea.) For those interested, the other videos on this users channel are equally as cheerful. I like them. They’re fun and upbeat. It’s the sweetest thing! I so love how people have loved the potato… Wow, taken out of...

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Electric Love Potato (Desktop Assistant)… Potatoware

Think about it: Potatoware. Potato software. I feel like this is the beginning of something wonderful. Hopefully a trend. Thus my contribution to this (yet to happen) potatoware trend. I would like to unveil to the world Electric Love Potato! You can download it from Or GameJolt: What is Electric Love Potato you may ask? Good question! I don’t really know, but… “Electric Love Potato is a virtual potato desktop assistant that offers positive reinforcement, serenades you as you work, and creates random potato recipes.” There are like 12 songs. So it’s also a potato album. Potato...

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I Did It! (My Entry To Femijam) – Go Play It!!

Last night I wrapped up my submission (A Short Story) to “FEMICOM Game Jam #1: Here’s to Theresa Duncan!” and thought it warrants a little celebratory blog post. This has been my first gamejam! *fireworks* *applause* The jam’s theme was Theresa Duncan’s work. If you’re not familiar with her, KillScreen has this wonderful article “The legacy of Theresa Duncan and the technology behind its preservation” that’s worth checking out. Mine is a small interactive story, titled “A Short Story”. “A Short Story is an interactive bedtime story about a girl that goes for a walk at night, and meets a...

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Weird Alien Frogs – A Frog Generator (news and stuff…)

It’s been a while since my last update, and so much stuff has gotten done. For one, Tetrageddon Games made an appearance on Boing Boing’s Offworld, Cult of Mac has a nice little article about the project, and Leigh Alexander mentioned Monkey Fortunetell in her [really cool] article on digital divination: The divine witches of cyberspace… It’s so amazing. It feels like an unbelievable amount of hard work is coming to fruition… with that I mean people are playing the games, enjoying the games, talking about the games, which is all I can ask for… making thing that make people...

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Tetrageddon Games Wins The IGF Nuovo Award! <3 (Summary of My First GDC)

Warning: emotional/mushy content I spent three days at the IGF booth showcasing Tetrageddon Games to one person after the other. It has been a particularly touching, exciting, positively charged experience for me. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. The Tetrageddon Games boothlet. This was showing above the Exhibit Floor. Smiled to myself often. Moment of pride! Winner poster thingy! Solo-dev is VERY hard. You lock yourself away, and just work. Lots of work, bugs, work, more work. After finishing the thing you go on your own to build the website, and all the PR for it. It’s never truly...

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