
being brave, framing trauma, personal experiences in games, and announcing the next installment of “Everything is going to be OK”

After this year’s Fantastic Arcade I came away from the event with a lot of clarity. There is something special about not being in a setting that focuses on press, business, exposure, audience reception, and the other things that can distract you from why you make art. It’s easy to forget and get caught up in the “competitive” side of games. Wanting your game to be played and “liked” when maybe that’s not why you decided to make interactive art to begin with. (A note to myself that I had posted over my monitor while developing “Everything is going to...

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my post “Day of the Devs” observations about how people view/treat art games and their creators

“Everything is going to be OK” was included in Double Fine’s Day of the Devs. Yay! This is probably the first time, outside of E3, that this game was shown to a more “gamer” crowd. By that I mean, much more consumer based. People without knowledge of art games or the discourse around them. Basically people expecting game-games, with goals, and magic circles, and in some way or another keeping up with the standards of game design… I had some interesting experiences at Day of the Devs. It led to me already talking the ear off a friend with my...

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“Everything is going to be OK” officially released! (final thoughts)

“Everything is going to be OK” is now officially released. The entire project, complete, and ready to be played as originally intended. You can download it on GameJolt: And from First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their support. Each of you that has bought the game has made a huge difference in enabling it to exist. I would not have been able to do it without your support, and (even more so) words of encouragement. Thank you to everyone that has written about it, and shared it. This has given me a lot...

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“Everything is going to be OK” wins the Interaction Award at IndieCade & some thoughts after showcasing it…

I’m writing this super exhausted after just returning from IndieCade (so apologies for the bad grammar) :) I was showcasing “Everything is going to be OK” as a nominee. The game won the Interaction Award! It really caught me off guard because it was the first award that they announced, and also because I didn’t see “interaction” coming. There where so many cool VR things there! I do actually see that now… A lot of work was done in making interaction unique, unexpected, and subversive… They said nice things and put it in better words at the award show. :)...

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“Everything is going to be OK” and more observations about art games

I’ve been meaning to write another post about “Everything is going to be OK” for a while now. A lot has happened since my last update. The game was accepted into IndieCade as a finalist! Which is pretty amazing. I’ve also given an interview about it on It’s a good one, and covers all the philosophies that the game is about. Oh yeah! The game is down to one more page (mini-game) left and then it’s DONE! *fireworks* Since the early access was launched, people’s reactions to it have been generally amazing. I’ve also received a fair amount of...

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The Hurricane Relief Bundle (on

I have something small to announce, and if you are up for it please spread the word (or retweet this). Loren Schmidt just assembled and released the Hurricane Relief Bundle. It is a bundle intended to help areas affected by the recent hurricanes. 100% of proceeds go to relief organizations. It features a TON of amazing games, many of which you probably know of, and if not this is a great opportunity to try them! “Everything is going to be OK” and ARMAGAD (also Tetrageddon Games) are included …not to mention Little Bug, luminous corridor 0, Magic Wand, F J...

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My games & future plans…

This is a follow up to my previous post, as I’ve had some time to think about what this means for my work and what I can do next. After receiving word from the teams at Adobe, and hearing the upcoming things planed for the platform, I’m left with hope and enthusiasm. I’m confident that things are going in a great direction and I will be doing what I’m doing for a long time to come still. Like I mentioned, I had been receiving a lot of crap (directed hate). If it’s not from gamers, then it’s basic sexism/prejudice from...

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“Everything is going to be OK” early access observations & some philosophy (about art games)

So… “Everything is going to be OK” has been released as early access for a while now. This game has been both hugely liberating to make, but also difficult. The emotional fallout has hit me pretty hard today. I usually don’t post about stuff like this, but because this is a personal game, I feel like it’s important to mention a few things (hoping to encourage others). For one, I think after making this I’ll have a lot to say about making games that discuss very personal things. :) It has been interesting watching some of the more negative, or...

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A better (post E3) update about “Everything is going to be OK”…

So since my last update the game has been released as early access! Game Jolt page: page: I have to admit, I had no idea that it would blow up this way before it’s even done… I released it as early access to pay for hosting costs, and help with development. You know, this is indie so “any money helps”. In retrospect, I’m really happy that this happened, and I have had to release it as early access. It’s amazing to see how it’s being received (even before being officially “done”). I’m also pretty sure that I...

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A NEW Electric Love Potato & observations about virtual pets & assistants…

Yesterday I finished the 2.0 (sequel) version of the Electric Love Potato! Electric Love Potato (Two Point OH!) You can get it on one of these two great places: * Electric Love Potato (Two Point OH!) on GameJolt. * Or Electric Love Potato (Two Point OH!) on (at the moment there’s an error with my page so maybe try gamejolt instead) I am really excited about being able to announce that, since I’ve been wanting to make this since… like ever. Somehow it never really “clicked”, but a week ago I got these great stupid ideas, and I...

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small rant & creative observations lately…

I’ve been totally avoiding watching Lets Plays of my work. It’s funny, but I used to like seeing people exaggeratedly yell “what the fuck” at my stuff, but after a while it kind of gets to me. I don’t know why. I guess it’s kind of hard seeing something you put so much into being reduced to a joke? A friend was looking up videos on something I made and I found myself fighting the urge to leave the room so that I wouldn’t have to listen to what the Lets Player was saying. I know that’s a bit over...

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updates, faux frames, geocities, and stuff…

Everything Is Going To Be OK is getting so nice and big now. I have the “fairy tale generator” in there for one of the pages. The context is adorable. A character dies and then one of the onlookers says “everyone dies”, “even the ones you love”, “yeah, especially those…” then they ask “so what was your life story?”. You (the “player”) assemble a life story. It’s procedurally generated, but you can edit it, and mostly control what is assembled. So It’s kind of like you are co-authoring a story with the computer. I think it’s interesting that I’m so...

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Everything Is Going To Be OK (Progress Update #6 & Artist’s Statement)

I’m creeping up to 15 mini-games done. There is good variety! I’m so happy. Some interesting developments on direction… Once I reach 20 I’m going to hide the 20 (or so) other mini-games inside these games. So you are presented with these “pages” and then discover that the “pages” have lots of depth to them. Kind of like matryoshka dolls (you know, those Russian dolls). You can get lost in these vignettes, and they’ll layer over eachother. I feel like this will give it a lot of depth. It will also be less predictable. You click on something, and more...

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EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK available till Monday. All $$ goes to the ACLU.

I just published EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK (my current game project) to with the intention of donating all money to the ACLU. Get it here! It might not be much but it’s the best I can do. I figure if I don’t have money to donate I can use this… please buy my game, so I can donate. :) This is the very stable early build, but please don’t be put off by the words “early” and “unfinished”. It’s good already, and has plenty to offer. If you may have had any interest in checking it out,...

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Everything Is Going To Be OK update #5 & some hot takes

I’m here to give a development update about the progress of my game, but given current political circumstances it is hard not to comment… It’s been tremendously depressing to watch America burn like this. I guess we should keep with the doublespeak trend and call it alt-america now… Ok sorry bad jokes aside. I’m not completely baffled by this. American history is rife with the oppression of others. We have had racism out in the open since its inception. It would be sad to act like this is a surprise now. A lot of this is evil is evil that...

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Everything Is Going To Be OK (milestone update!)

I did it! Page 10 is done, and that means I did 10 minigames! AaAaaaAaaah! I said I would make a big deal about having 10 done, because (for me) this means I just have to repeat what I did 3 more times to get to 40. 40 seems much more doable now. Seeing that I started working on this in November, it’s taken me… what?… 3 months to get here? That’s a padded estimate. Wow! I think I can actually reach my goal! It’s doable. Yes! Ok, before I share more about it, I would like to cordially invite...

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“Everything Is Going To Be OK” progress update #3

This is post #3 documenting the progress… Before I talk more about it. I’ve been posting tiny projects on my itch page. More little things are planned, so you can follow me there for further silliness. I’ve also gotten into making good (probably), but completely unusable things on github. You might get a laugh by looking at the source. “Everything Is Going To Be OK” (my current game project, and for lack of a better title) is coming along well. I keep saying that tho, and that is not much of an update. I have 8 pages done. That’s 8...

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“Everything Is Going To Be OK” & some recent new work

This is post #2 of documenting the progress… As I write this I just finished re-architecting a large chunk of it, and finished another “page” of my new game-zine-not-a-game-thing… that’s a mouthful. I’ll have to work on a better definition… If you don’t know what I’m talking about I suggest you read this. There, I explain what the game-zine-not-a-game-thing is all about, by the working title of “Everything Is Going To Be OK”. It also got written about on KillScreen! That’s so encouraging! The project is turning out beautifully and I’m very excited about it. I’ve been 100% into it...

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Announcing my new game in-the-works: “Everything is going to be OK”

This is post #1 of documenting the progress… Ok! I’m here to announce my new in-the-works upcoming game: “Everything is going to be OK” Although this is more or less of a working title. I don’t think this thing will have a title. That line is the first thing you see when the game opens, so that’s what I’m running with. This is going to be an interactive zine. Along the lines of some post-it notes doodles I shared a while ago. Here are some examples if you don’t follow my Twitter: The way it will function is that all...

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Why my games are disappearing from the AppStore

To start you can play all my games (free) here: They are only disappearing from mobile. Not everywhere. They will be FREE and available to download on the AppStore until removal, or until my account expires February next year. Link: It’s been a long time coming, I guess. Yesterday I got another message stating: “Your app, Offender 2 (World War B: War on Rabbits), does not comply with the App Review Guidelines”. Basically the App will be removed if I don’t comply. This looks like it’s going to happen to all my games, because of policy changes. Why...

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