
A really really long list of illustrators.

I love looking at other peoples work! I find it to be a refreshing source of inspiration. As a matter of fact, countless hours of surfing about various portals and communities have caused me to suffer from an uncomfortably large insecurity complex that can only be solved by removing large portions of my brain! …Um Nevermind. In no particular order I give you: http://jamesjean.com/ LA illustrator. http://www.ghostco.org/ http://dadaly.net/ http://www.pingmag.jp/ The Japanese magazine about design things. http://reillystroope.com/ http://www.umeric.com/ http://www.pietariposti.com/ http://www.paperjamdesign.com/ (Print stuffs) http://mcstrick.livejournal.com/724835.html Some really amazing photography and visual art. http://www.monaux.com/ psycadelic meets graffiti http://narcisocarlos.org/drawings/ http://www.fatoe.com/ http://www.timmarrs.co.uk/ http://ludosabato.com/ http://www.designr.com.au/ http://www.robopocalypse.com/ Robots!...

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