Tetrageddon Games Microsites/Websites Sourcefiles

First of all (moving forward) I will port some of the simpler games (Offender, The Gatekeeper, Haxatron 2000) to HTML5 (HTML5/JS/Edge Animate –maybe Edge Animate), and release a HTML5 version tutorial + source code for them.
I’m very excited about doing this! It’s going to be awesome…

Stay tuned! More (HTML5/JS/ect… related) source code/tutorials are on the way. :)

Secondly, I finally found the time to release the sourcefiles for the microsites done for Tetrageddon Games. I created these in Edge Animate, seeing that there is little to no Edge Animate examples, tutorials, out there (it’s very new) I believe this will help people getting started with the software. Perhaps even assist someone that found this post via Google.

Edge resources:
Edge Commons – Dirty Little Helpers for Edge Animate

I’ve enjoyed working in it because it gets rid of the “unnecessary aspects” of making a site (things that get in the way, or “kill” the initial idea process, especially if you’re throwing something quick together), and you can easily make something that would take a lot more effort/time if you where doing it just in code.
I think it’s a program to keep an eye on in the future. It will only get more powerful. :)

So here they are to pick apart…
Websites sourcefiles here: http://nathalielawhead.com/sourcefiles/Websites_Sourcefiles_HTML5_JS_EdgeAnimate/

Haxed By Megahurtz (SOURCE HERE)

Things that may help a googler looking for a simple example:
* Another fluid layout example
* iframe (scalable) video on the stage loaded from Vimeo
* fancybox gallery example
* loading a site in fancybox example
* fancybox Vimeo example
* About section with tiling .gif border (fake scale9 image type frame) example


Things that may help a googler looking for a simple example:

* loading a page with fancybox iframe example
* fancybox gallery example (gallery.html)
* fluid layout menu example
* fluid background example
* tiling gif’s! (Tiling gifs in Edge Animate example)
* animated gif’s!

Haxatron 2000 (SOURCE HERE)

Things that may help a googler looking for a simple example:
It’s a much simpler website, but maybe…

* Typekit in Edge Animate example
* Just another fluid layout website example :)
* Using CSS on symbols inside of Edge Animate example
* if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) example…

They Came From My Inbox (SOURCE HERE)

Things that may help a googler looking for a simple example:

* Another fluid layout example
* buzz.js (sound) in Edge Animate example
* Fancybox in Edge Animate example
* Tiling .gif frame (fake scale9 image type frame) example
* Fancybox loading iframe website example
* Fun use of mouseover/mouse out events example
* Fancybox Vimeo video example

Tetrageddon (Bloodsport Tetris) (SOURCE HERE)

* Not another fluid layout example :)
* Animated gifs
* Animated transitions example
* Fancybox example
* Fancybox Vimeo video example

That’s it for now…
HTML5 game examples/ports coming soon!