Here’s a quick particle effect I threw together. Thought I’d put it up here… figuring it might help some hapless googler searching for a quick fix, since it’s a super simple class you can easily reuse or (quite possibly) extend… probably.
Download source here.
[swfobj src=”” height=”400″ width=”480″]
Mouse over the above area to preview.
The AS (
package { import flash.utils.Timer; import; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Particle extends MovieClip { protected var position:Point; protected var vector:Point; private var gravity:int; private var friction:Number; private var maxIterationsAlive:Number; private var iterationsAlive:Number; protected var update_i:Timer; public function Particle(p:Point, v:Point, g:int, f:Number) { position = p; vector = v; gravity = g; friction = f; maxIterationsAlive = 10; iterationsAlive = 0; update_i = new Timer(25); update_i.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, update); update_i.start(); } public function update(evt:TimerEvent):void { if (iterationsAlive > maxIterationsAlive) { update_i.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, update); update_i.stop(); parent.removeChild(this); } //the * 10 determines what direction it shoots out of - in this case the side position.x += vector.x + Math.random() * 10; position.y += vector.y + Math.random() * 10; vector.y += gravity; vector.x *= friction; //apply positions to the clip x = position.x; y = position.y; alpha -= .01; //fade iterationsAlive++; } } }
And simply link it to a movieclip instance:
There! A stupid simple particle effect.
Visit the sourcefiles directory here.